Meet the Team

Ron Buesinger

Ron Buesinger

Data Analyst

Ron is enthused to join as a full-time team member of Flah & Company after coming to Flah & Company as a client. He spent the last 30 years as an institutional trader and portfolio manager within the securitized mortgage, rates, and equity index markets.  

From 2008 to 2018, Ron managed portfolios for CarlsonCapital, L.P., a large multi-strategy hedge fund based in Dallas, Texas, where he ultimately became head of mortgages and rates. Ron has extensive experience managing primarily long convexity strategies that utilize all types of derivatives including both vanilla and exotic options.

As a potential Flah & Company client, Ron was immediately fascinated with the optionality embedded in the various Flah & Company policy designs and strategies.  Ron acknowledged that, despite having previously purchased life insurance from highly respected agents, he didn’t realize the extent of the significant optionality embedded inmost life insurance policies.  Such policies are highly dynamic and many have tremendous optionality with respect to ongoing premium payments, timing of payments and various other factors that can have a dramatic impact on long term policy performance. Ron was impressed with Flah & Company’s ability to re-engineer, re-design and retain his existing policies. Flah & Company’s work resulted in significant reductions in future premiums and dramatically higher IRRs to life expectancy, all while maintaining the same carrier, key terms and guarantees. Flah & Company’s deep understanding of insurance underwriting coupled with their unique policy engineering acumen intrigued and impressed Ron so much so that he approached the company about joining the team as the first ever client turned teammate. 

Ron joined Flah & Company with the goal of taking Flah & Company's invention of the "return on insurance" (ROI®)  process to the next level or "second derivative".  As a member of the Flah & Company team, he helps identify, quantify, and maximize the embedded optionality that many insurance products contain. His skillset helps Flah & Company better navigate the evolving insurance and financial landscape.

Ron graduated from the University of Missouri, St. Louis with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and now lives in Jupiter, Florida with his wife Stephanie, two teenage sons, and their multiple rescue pets.